
Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Rainbow Tuesday

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Today I spent the afternoon with my best pal Devan (@speakofthe_devil). We went for a wander around her local park and snapped a few photos while we were there. Contrary to what these photos suggest, it was a cloudy day (for some reason I find that 'Blogger' warms the colour temperature of photos quite substantially once they've been uploaded...), a welcome bit of relief from the hot, sunny weather Perth has been having in recent weeks!

I also had a little cuddle with her chihuahua Daisy, who as you can tell by her facial expression totally LOVES me! :P


Jacket: Lazy Oaf (
Top: Lazy Oaf (purchased from 'Atlas Divine')
Shoes: YRU (purchased from
Earrings: Dinosaurs For Tea (


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Kate Hannah © 2014